The difference between self-awareness and space awareness
Students often confuse self-awareness with spatial awareness. That actually makes sense scientifically since an account of spatial awareness is fundamental to a theory of experience because spatiality is the defining characteristic of “outer sense”. Self-awareness starts with space awareness. We really can’t know how we affect the world without first being aware that the outer world exists. But we will save that conversation for later.
For now, we will work with space awareness in conjunction with safety and being aware of what is going on around us. We will use self-awareness as a measure of how what we think, do, say and feel affect ourselves and others.
Golf can’t be taught; it must be learned. We start each month from the beginning. We start with recognizing how much control we have over the outcomes at the course. Make sure to take a look at the latest post to the students for some context.
The goal is for everyone who subscribes to the Sixtyone philosophy understands that they are in charge of what they think, do, say and feel. Results and outcomes for them and (sometimes) the people around them are affected by that.
Expected outcome
- We want the students to start to recognize that they are Sixtyone golfers, and we do things a certain way. It isn’t a better way. It’s just our way.
- We want the students to start to be more inquisitive about The Game they are playing and to get them talking to us and each other more about the concepts, ideas and challenges in it.
- We want them to understand that we are just there to help them develop into complete and independent young golfers. We show them the process. They are in charge of the outcome.
Big questions
- What did you think about the latest challenge?
- Do you have any new golf words you want to discuss?
- Do you think you can stump me with a word/golf rule?
- What are three things you like about golf?
- What are you proud of that you’ve done today?
- Did you have your comeback shot yet?
- What level of your best are you today?
- What do you think you could improve on today?
- What makes you proud about being a golfer and or being Sixtyone?
- What do you do when you want to be happy?
- What could you have done differently today?
- What do you know that you could teach someone else?
- Can you teach me something?
- What could I do to be a better coach?
- What would you change about golf if you were in charge?
- 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Set up and area assignments
- 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Open session
- High schoolers and khaki hat golfers in charge of organizing putting games.
- White hat golfers in charge of showing newbies the lay of the land.
- 4:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Introduction clinics
- All new students grouped together and have introduction to putting, chipping and range.
- Khaki hat golfers assist in clinics and are released to the course with adequate supervision.
- White hat golfers put in their work (putting, chipping and range), supervise newbie golfers and released to the course if adequate supervision available.
- Try to get newbie golfers out onto the golf course when possible.
- 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Wrap up
- Return all equipment to the dungeon.
- Food and refreshments when applicable.