About Sixtyone

Golf is often misunderstood. Sixtyone wants everyone to look at the game from a new perspective.

Sixtyone Oval logo.

Why Sixtyone?

In 1961, because of the efforts of men like Bill Spiller, golf was opened to everyone (at least in theory).

But over 61 years later, there are a number of reasons why many people still feel that golf is not a game for them.

The Sixtyone oval now represents efforts to change those beliefs. We work to debunk myths and demystify golf so more people, especially young people, learn to appreciate the benefits of learning to become golfers.

Bill Spiller, AP Photo/Ed Widdis

Our Style.

You Don't Have to Look Like a Golfer to Be a Golfer

Style by definition means “a distinctive manner of doing something.” At Sixtyone, we play golf with our own style.

Our style is not irreverent. We respect the rules and embrace the culture and traditions of golf. However, we are not bound by preexisting stereotypes.

We are free to redefine who plays golf, why they play, and where, when and how they play.

We encourage you to do the same.

Next Events

Sixtyone Country Club simple crest logo.

Sixtyone events bring golfers and non-golfers together in a non-traditional golf environment. If you don’t play golf, it’s a perfect way to learn more about playing. If you do play golf, it’s a great chance for you to share your passion for golf with someone new to the game. Either way, there is no valid reason why you shouldn’t come join us.