Camp 2024: Week1

How much do you know about golf?

At Sixtyone, we use four weekly themes to help us focus, develop and be our best. Self-awareness is the focus for the first week of each month. We work on paying attention to how what we say, what we think, what we feel and what we do affects ourselves and others.

The first week of summer camp started with a promise to go back to the basics. We promised to start over from the beginning and do the work needed to learn more about golf and learn more about how to be a Sixtyone golfer.

We promised to focus on the weekly themes.

We promised to learn the code

We promised to work on our swing sequence: 1) Start behind the ball, 2) Check your grip, 3) Check your space, 4) Align & Posture, 5) Balance & Tempo, 6) Follow through.

We also promised to learn golf terms. Here are a few:

  • Ace; Airmail; Albatross; Alignment; Angle-of-Attack; Address; Above-the-Hole; Apron; Back-Nine;
  • Backswing; Backspin; Birdie; Bladed-Shot; Bogey; Break; Bunker; Ball-Marker; Best-Ball; Bump & Run;
  • Cabbage; Caddie; Chilly-Dip; Chip; Condor; Cut; Carry; Carry-Bag; Casual-Water; Choke-down; Collar;
  • Divot; Draw; Double-Bogey; Downswing; Driver; Dimples;
  • Eagle; Etiquette; Executive-Course;
  • Fat; Fore; Free-Drop; Fried-Egg; Fringe; Front-Nine; Flatstick; Flush; Foursome;
  • Grain; Green; Green-Fee; Greenkeeper; Grip; Groove;
  • Half-Shot; Handicap; Heel; Hole-Out; Hook; Honors; Hosel; Hybrid;
  • Impact-Position; In-play; In-side; Inside-Out; Inside-the-Leather; Intermediate-Target;
  • Kick-In; Knee-Knocker; Knockdown;
  • Lie; Lip-Out; Loft; Long-Game; Low-Handicap; LPGA; Lag-Putt; Lay-Up;
  • Match-Play; Mulligan; Majors; Mallet; Mis-Read; “Muni”;
  • Net-Score;
  • OB; Open-Face; Open-Stance;
  • Pace; Par; Penalty-Stroke; PGA; Pin; Pin-High; Playing-Through; Plugged-Lie; Provisional-Ball; Punch-Shot; Pull; Push; Putter;
  • Q-School;
  • Range-Finder; Ready-Golf; Read-the-Green; Rough; Range-Ball; Recovery-Shot; Run-out;
  • Sand-Wedge; Scramble; Scratch; Shank; Short-Game; Slice; Snowman; Sole; Square; Stance; Strong-Grip; Swing-Arc; Swing-Plane; Sand-Save; Shotgun-Start; Stimpmeter; Sunday-Bag;
  • Takeaway; Tap-In; Tee; Tee-Time; Tee-Box; Tempo; Tend-the-Flag; Thin; The-Turn; Topped-Shot; Tight-Lie; Unplayable;
  • Uphill-Lie; Up-and-Down; USGA;
  • Victory-Lap;
  • Waggle; Weak-Grip; Wedge; Whiff ;
  • “Made-an-X”;
  • Yips; Yank; Yardage; Yardage-Makers;
  • Zip

Big question/s

  1. We have five self-awareness practices. Explain how you did this week with the practices: Self-reflection, Recognize strength & weaknesses, Consider others, Manage emotion, Accept criticism.
  2. Do you set up the same for putts as you do for full swings? Explain. 
  3. Of all the golf terms, which golf terms do you know that you think most others might not know? 
Self-scoring: Camp 2024: Week1

In order to answer the Big Questions and earn ATN buckets, you must login to your Game profile. If you do not have a profile, visit this page to create one.

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At Sixtyone, we believe that you should play golf wherever you can, whenever you can and however you can. You’ll feel better. We promise. Hit us up if you want to find out what we mean.

Change. Think. Golf.