Academy code by definition

I am a golfer. As a golfer, I understand (Part II):

Google the word understand. The result from the Oxford dictionaries is perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or a speaker).

When you look up the word perceive, you get become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

So, to say I understand means that you have become aware or come to realize the intended meaning of words, a language or a speaker. Accept, figure out, get, grasp, learn, recognize, note, catch on, get the idea, get the picture and get the point are all synonyms of understand. They all mean the same thing.

The first five sections of the Sixtyone Academy Golfers’ Code starts with the words As a golfer, I understand. That means we perceive the intended meaning of safety. We accept that golf is a game of honor. We note the purpose of why we play. We get the idea of consideration. We get the point about courage. And, in section six, we know our responsibility to be better each day.

We know section six instead of understand it. To know is slightly different than to understand, but that is a topic for next time 😄

Big question/s

  1. How much of the code do you know? Can you describe what understand means in your own words?
  2. How long did it take you to learn, get, grasp, or perceive the headings for the six sections?
Self-scoring: Academy code by definition

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