Tomorrow’s weather forecast for San Bernardino, CA is 74 degrees and partly cloudy. In Santa Monica, it’s partly cloudy and 69 degrees. Palm Springs is going to be 78 degrees, and take a guess.
That’s not bragging. Seven days from now the temperature forecasts for those same three cities are 69 degrees, 67 degrees, and 73 degrees, respectively. Playing golf in the winter in Southern California is the same as playing golf in the summer. Some might say it’s even better. Nice weather is normal. But as we all know, this year is everything but normal.
This year, 2020, is different. The weather is the same. But doing things, any type of thing, is harder this year, even playing golf. Though golf has built-in pandemic precautions and safety measures, it’s still not easy to get out and play. This is especially true when you’re a kid. You’re stuck in the house. You have to go to class online. You do your homework online. Recess is online. You hang out with your friends online. Since you can’t drive, you have to play golf online too.
Remember that. Remember that this year is different. If you can drive, remember that students are about to face two and three weeks of Holiday Break. Remember that they will be stuck at home, and you have the car.