Heritage and legacy are two words that have similar meanings. Both words refer to things, cultural and physical, passed from one generation to the next. However, Sixtyone defines the words with a subtle difference. Heritage as something left from a previous generation for you. Legacy is what you leave for others that come after you.
Sixtyone is an idea shaped by the heritage left for us through the game of golf. At Sixtyone, everything comes back to golf. Sixtyone golfers respect their heritage and embrace golf culture. They keep their own score. They do the right thing whether anyone is watching over them or not. They work to be complete golfers.
However, they also do other things. They do Sixtyone things.
They respect safety rules #1 & #2. They understand how to separate the purpose from the goal. They are considerate of others and always leave they course better than they found it. They have the courage to try and understand nothing worthwhile comes easy.
They also know they have a responsibility. They recognize that by Being Sixtyone they can help others dream more, do more and be more.
That, the collective efforts of each of its members, is the Sixtyone legacy.