How hard is a diamond?
The word diamond comes from the ancient Greek word ‘adámas’, meaning unbreakable.
Raw natural diamonds are indestructible and they get that way because of tremendous heat and pressure.
Golfers are under tremendous heat and pressure too. It’s hard to be a golfer. First, it’s hard to always do the right thing even when no one is watching. We are often tempted to try to take a shortcut when we think we can get away with it. But we know that we can never really get away with doing the wrong thing when we know it’s wrong.
Golf is also hard because of all the gremlins. You can’t see golf gremlins, but you know that they are everywhere at the golf course. They wait for you to make a few bad shots and then they start to pressure you. They get in your head and try to get you mad at yourself or the clubs or your friends. They try to get you frustrated. They try to make you worry about the next swing, the next results. They try to make you judge yourself. Sometimes they even try to make you quit.
But you don’t quit. You understand: Without pressure there would be no diamonds. You’re a Sixtyone golfer. You know how to separate the purpose from the goal. You know that pressure and heat make you stronger. You smile at obstacles. You enjoy the hard parts.
You’re indestructible.