We start each month with self-awareness, the understanding our personal responsibility to affect our world. In the second week our focus moves to strategy and managing obstacles. Strategy simply means a long-term plan or method for accomplishing something.
Sixtyone’s strategy is simplicity:
- We play golf from the hole backwards. We do the difficult things when they are still easy, and we do the great big things while they are still small.
- We don’t do a lot of things, but what we do, we do well.
- We separate the purpose from the goal.
- Everything comes back to golf, a game of honor and integrity.
- Golf is never finished.
Expected outcome
- Jeff Bezos says of Amazon culture; We are stubborn on vision and flexible on details. Academy students should understand that Sixtyone members are stubborn on our strategy (plan) to become golfers, but the tactics we use to reach our goals are flexible.
- Students should learn to recognize that, since golf is never finished, they can always be better.
- Show students how using the HQ page fits into our strategy.
- Connect how self-awareness (e.g., recognizing their strengths and weaknesses, understanding their personal responsibility for their development) fits into their plan for reaching their goals (strategy).
- Play the Alley Game. It gives the students a risk reward choice, and it’s a perfect way to demonstrate the importance of goal setting and planning.
Here’s a link to the ICTM Google calendar.