Where is your fun?
Golf is an interesting game on a lot of levels. It’s even more interesting when it comes to finding the fun. Most non-golfers (this includes people who have never tried and those that have tried and quit) have never figured out where their fun is at the course. Most of us prefer distraction over development. We want our games to entertain us without much personal effort.
We like fun to be easy. Golf does work like that.
Learning to play golf will rarely be fun if your enjoyment is connected to your score. The most important message we can convey to anyone interested in learning to play golf is that every golfer sucks in the beginning. Many never stop sucking. however, the only way bad golfers become better golfers is based on how much they work.
It’s important to note that our message isn’t that in order to Be Sixtyone you have to spend hours and hours at the course banging balls. That’s not true. The message is that golf is hard. If you want to be good, you’re going to have to practice. However, you don’t have to be good to have fun.
Expected outcome
Sixtyone golfer understand how to separate the purpose from the goal at the course. The purpose is to have fun. The goal is to be our best. Learning to keep the purpose and goal separate makes finding the fun at the course much easier. We must learn to manage expectations. Golf is much more fun when we do.
Big questions
- What are three things you like about golf?
- What are you proud of that you’ve done today?
- Did you have your comeback shot yet?
- What level of your best are you today?
- What do you think you could improve on today?
- What makes you proud about being a golfer and or being Sixtyone?
- What do you do when you want to be happy?
- What could you have done differently today?
- What do you know that you could teach someone else?
- Can you teach me something?
- What could I do to be a better coach?
- What would you change about golf if you were in charge?
- 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Set up and area assignments
- 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Open session
- High schoolers and khaki hat golfers in charge of organizing putting games.
- White hat golfers in charge of showing newbies the lay of the land.
- 5:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. – Introduction clinics
- All new students grouped together and have introduction to putting, chipping and range.
- Khaki hat golfers assist in clinics and are released to the course with adequate supervision.
- White hat golfers put in their work (putting, chipping and range), supervise newbie golfers and released to the course if adequate supervision available.
- 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Wrap up
- Return all equipment to the dungeon.
- Try to get newbie golfers out onto the golf course when possible.
- Food and refreshments when applicable.