It doesn’t take a degree in cognitive psychology to realize that kids learn more and retain knowledge longer if the learning is enjoyable. Ask any youngster who plays Fortnite anything about Fortnite. You will be amazed.
Unfortunately, golf isn’t Fortnite.
Our job is to make learning to play golf fun. Golf isn’t like any other sport. Our goal is to help the Academy students realize what is special about the game. It’s not basketball or soccer. The game of golf doesn’t entertain you viscerally like other games. Golf is a constant personal challenge. The fun in golf is actively participating in your own development.
To find the fun in golf we need to:
- Learn to take our victories where they lie.
- Learn to enjoy small advancements towards being better golfers.
- Figure out how to hit the ball effortlessly in the center of the clubface.
- Realize that one comeback shot is worth the entire round.
- Realize that being outside in the fresh air has value.
- Understand that golf is never finished, and we can always get better.
- Recognize that some really cool people play golf.
Expected outcome
- Students should start to understand their impact on their enjoyment.
- Students should realize that they can’t wait for golf to entertain them. They have to find the fun.
- Students should also start to connect the weekly themes with their enjoyment. They should be able to understand how self-awareness, strategy and culture all impact their physical and mental enjoyment.
- Introduce golf juggling.
- It’s early in the program but we like to let the students dictate what they want to do to have fun.
- We should refrain from distance games and have the students select target games to play.
- Focus on the swing sequence:
- First you check your grip.
- Then you get your space.
- Hips back and back straight.
- Swing through and balance.
Here’s a link to the ICTM Google calendar.