How flexible is your brain?

It has been said that anyone, if they wanted to, could be the sculpture of their own mind.

The word neuro comes from the Greek word for nerves and nervous system. Neurology is the study of the nervous system. Neuroscientists are people who work on the nervous system. Neurons are the cells that carry the signals through our nervous system. And, neuroplasticity is the word used to describe the plasticity of our nervous system. It refers to the ability to bend and flex like plastic. 

Our brains are the control centers of our nervous system. The brain controls everything about our bodies. Reactions, emotions, decisions, movements and more are all controlled by the brain. What is really cool about the brain is the fact that neuroplasticity can be developed. We can use exercises to rewire our brains to help improve our ability to perform.

There are a lot of things we can do to rewire our brains. Some are easy like take more naps. Some get a bit tougher. Eating better increases neuroplasticity, but passing on donuts and ice cream is not always easy.

You can also attempt even harder exercises. You can learn new vocabulary words, learn to juggle, do things with your wrong hand or try to master the movements in the video above or try these hand games. All can help make your brain more plastic. There is something else you can do too. You can play golf.

You heard that right. Golf can help change your brain. Golf is hard. Being a golfer is even harder. But the good news is that by learning to play golf correctly you get the added benefit of increasing your neuroplasticity.

And that is a good thing.

Big question/s

  1. How many of the neuroplasticity exercises can you do?
  2. Why do you think that some are easier to do than others?
  3. Can you describe some things about playing golf that help build neuroplasticity?
Self-scoring: How flexible is your brain?

In order to answer the Big Questions and earn ATN buckets, you must login to your Game profile. If you do not have a profile, visit this page to create one.

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