ICTM Talk: Coach Jim Harrick

On Wednesday evening Coach Harrick was kind enough to join us in our Google Meet room to drop some knowledge. It was unfortunate that all of us could not be there to pick up what he was putting down. However, we will try to capsulize what he said.

This is in no certain order. If you have more to add from your own notes, post it in the group chat and we will add it. He way go:

  1. Every kid wants to be coached. Some you can coach hard. Some you can’t. To motivate anyone, first you have to find out what makes them go.
  2. Figuring out what motivates a person is hard. The best way is to connect one-on-one, ask questions and listen to the answers.
  3. Coaching is teaching. Teaching is explanation, demonstration, correction and repetition. Explain, show, correct and repeat.
  4. Students learn 10% of what of what they hear, 20% of what they see and 70% of what they do.
  5. Everyone hears better when being praised. Take no, never, not, can’t and other negatives out of your coaching vocabulary. Replace it with positive words, even when describing negative outcome (e.g. You are too good to keeping making that same mistake. You are working to hard to let a lack of concentration affect the results.)
  6. If you have ever looked at yourself in the mirror, you are conscious of how you look or appear to others. Have pride in what you wear. Have pride in what you say. Have pride in what you do. Pride, the a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired, should impact everything you do.
  7. Prepare, plan, practice and you will perform.
  8. Be on time when time is involved.
  9. Loyalty is key. Do not talk negatively about the program or any person in the program to anyone outside of the program… Ever!
  10. You can have beefs, but they stay in house.
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