It is normal to be nervous
This month started in the middle of the week. So we are calling this week the last week of the month. That means that our focus is on fun.
Now, as a Sixtyone golfer you know that when we say fun we mean physical and mental fitness, enjoyment, happiness and comfort. Fun is our purpose for playing golf. Our goal is to be our best, and to play well. That is another situation entirely.
Each day, just like on the golf course, we have to deal with all kinds of situations. Difficult situations, or at least things we think are difficult, cause stress. How many times have you ever felt stressed when trying to hit a golf ball?
Our brains and bodies react to situations. Whenever we feel something is not normal or dangerous we automatically respond.
We get nervous.
So the best way to help our brains and bodies deal with these nerves is to make them normal. You are not as good as you could be. You are also not as good as you are going to be. Accept where you are as a golfer and work on improving. Making bad swings is normal. All golfers do it. Missing putts? Again, that is completely normal. That is why we practice.
A key to improving your golf game is understanding that being nervous is how our bodies prepare us to deal with stress. Some things deserve to be stressful. Some things, not so much. Fight or flight reactions are helpful if you bump into a bear when hiking. But swinging a golf club and hitting a golf ball should be fun. Just swing and hit the ball.
If you miss, practice.