Do you think you are curious?

Don't worry about what might go wrong, be excited about what could happen.

This is strategy week. One of the main strategies for being Sixtyone is curiosity.

Curiosity is the secret to happiness. Learning new things is hard only because we worry about outcomes. But if we swap judgment with curiosity, then, doing hard things and attacking challenges become adventures.

What if we did this? What if we stopped worrying about what could go wrong? What if we stopped worrying about outcomes? What if we stopped judging?

Instead, what if we became more curious about what could happen? What if we looked at challenges as opportunities to learn new things? What if we begin to try things just to see what happens? What if we asked more questions, big questions (e.g. Why does the golf ball have dimples? Why do I keep hitting the ball to the left all of the time? Why do I get nervous?) and then searched until we find the answers? What if we picked the hardest thing we could think of doing with a golf ball, and tried to do it? 

What do you think would happen if you did that? Are you curious?

Big question/s

  1. Which kid in the curiosity video is the most like you are?
  2. Why do you think that?
Self-scoring: Do you think you are curious?

In order to answer the Big Questions and earn ATN buckets, you must login to your Game profile. If you do not have a profile, visit this page to create one.

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At Sixtyone, we believe that you should play golf wherever you can, whenever you can and however you can. You’ll feel better. We promise. Hit us up if you want to find out what we mean.

Change. Think. Golf.