ATN session: Tuesday, June 8

This is self-awareness week. Surely, we are all aware that school is about to end and summer is about to start.


It’s self-awareness time again.

Surely, we all are aware that school is about to end and summer is about to start. Are you ready?

More important, are you ready to be Sixtyone this summer? Are you ready to help new students change the way they think about golf and help them become golfers like you?

Let’s use this week to:

  • Self-reflection = Do you want to lead others.
  • Strengths/weaknesses = Do you have the skills and knowledge to lead?
  • Managing emotions = Will you be confident or nervous?
  • Consider others = Remember when you started? What would you change to make it better for someone else?
  • Take criticism = What happens if you do something wrong or something others don’t like?



  1. Watch this video on leadership and this one on the qualities of being a leader.
  2. Discuss what Sixtyone leaders should know and make a list.
  3. Talk about our golf project and how each of us can build a course at our house.


  • Do you want to be decent, good or great at being a Sixtyone golfer?
  • What is the difference between a good leader and a bad leader?
  • Do you think it would be fun to be a leader this summer?
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At Sixtyone, we believe that you should play golf wherever you can, whenever you can and however you can. You’ll feel better. We promise. Hit us up if you want to find out what we mean.

Change. Think. Golf.