Academy Parents
It Takes a Village to Raise a Young Golfer
Responsibility equals privileges
Would you like for your child to become a golfer? This is what you should do first.
- Step 1 - Sign up
- Step 2 - Connect to the HQ.
Your child will use the HQ page for everything. Help them visit the HQ and register by picking a username and a password.
- Step 3 - Come to our Parent Orientaion Day
We will be having parent orientations on Sundays, @ Shandin Hill’s Golf Club. You are also welcomed to schedule a virtual chat with the Sixtyone coaches if you need one…. at the orientation we’ll fill you in on equipment, scheduling, and everything else you need to know.
If your student is in High School and wishes to participate please fill out registration the same. High School parents will meet on a different date.
The Sixtyone Academy's introduction, development and integration system guide students from golf newbies to complete and independent young golfers.
Academy students join the Golf Squad on campus, at the golf course and online virtual chats.
Sessions have four main themes: Self-awareness & Self-improvement, Strategy & Managing Obstacles, Culture & Etiquette, and Enjoyment & Fitness. Each week we focus on a different one.
Students earn buckets by participating in sessions, and completing challenges.
Students earn buckets by doing the work. Buckets earn them rank and prizes. The more responsible they are, the more work they do, the more privileges and stuff they get.
Here's a short list of things you should know and simple work you can do to help your young golfer.
- Register them on the HQ.
- Show up for parent orientation sessions or schedule a virtual chat to get answers for all of your questions and concerns about the Academy.
- Check out the responsibilities and privileges page. It’s the basic guide for the things your child needs to know about how the Academy works.
- Review our Golf Academy Code with your child. This is their first step to becoming a golfer. The sooner they take it this step, the better.
- When it is possible, help your child create their own golf-space. This is an area home (inside or outside) where they can practice safe and appropriate golf drills.
- Download the Google Chat app. That’s how Golf Squad members communicate and stay connected.
- Join our monthly Golf Talks chat sessions. We get together with parents and others on the second Wednesday of every month to talk golf. It’s a great way to stay informed about the program, meet other parents, and share ideas. Check the calendar for the next session.
- Get engaged. We invite parents to learn to play golf too. Play golf in the yard. Play golf at the park. Play golf with your child at the golf course. Just play golf with them.
- If you don’t know anything about golf, here are a couple of videos to get you started. Here’s one about golf basics. Here’s another one with a bit more detail. You don’t need to know it all. You don’t really need to know any of it. But, if you just start asking golf questions and using golf language, it will help your child pick up the game.
What is the Sixtyone Golf Academy?
The Academy is a golf introduction, development, and integration program designed to help eliminate misconceptions and barriers in order to connect more young people to the positive aspects of playing golf.
Can my child participate?
In a word, yes. The Academy is open to all students. Participation, generally, starts at 10 years old, but there are exceptions. Additionally, high school students and recent graduates can participate through our Instructors, Caddies, Tutors, and Monitors (“ICTM”) program.
What is the Golf Scholarship?
Currently, all San Bernardino City Unified School District middle school and 4th through 6th grade elementary students are eligible for program golf scholarships. Younger SBCUSD students, students outside of the SBCUSD, and ICTM members may also be eligible. Please contact us if you have questions about eligibility.
Do we have to buy golf clubs?
No. Golf clubs are provided thanks to support from the SBCUSD, and generous donations from others members of the community. We use a golf club exchange system that makes sure everyone has what they need. Students without clubs get clubs. Students that outgrow clubs can exchange their clubs. And, when students stop using their clubs, they return them so others can use them. Clubs are available.
When does it start, when do you meet and How do we sign-up?
Program introductory sessions start at various times during the school year. Sessions meet several times each week. To get started, use the form above to get started.
What is The Game?
The Game is a series of challenges. Some challenge the students above-the-neck, and some challenge their golf skills. Students that do the work and complete the challenges earn buckets. Buckets demonstrate commitment, discipline, and responsibility. Responsibility equals prizes and privileges.
That is the game.
My child is in high school. How can they get involved?
The Sixtyone ICTM program is the perfect opportunity for high school students to participate. Contact Sixtyone to find out how or ask your school’s administrative staff.