ICTM, Session samples

Instructors, Caddies, Tutors & Monitors

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Every Academy interaction has four elements: Main theme/Objective, Practical Application, Academic Vocabulary and Big Questions. These elements apply to four revolving themes: Self-awareness, Strategy, Culture and Fun. As you may have heard before, golf is hard. We keep things simple.


Why does ICTM exist?

Golf is a special game for a lot of reasons. It is also a dynamic industry with career opportunities in many fields. The reason ICTM exists is to connect more people to golf, especially young people. More why


Instructors, caddies, tutors and monitors are the support network. ICTM are people who share their time, treasure and expertise to help Sixtyone do what it does more effectively. More what

What Will we do day to day?

Commitment and responsibilities very. Each individual is free to determine how much they get involved. There is really no limit on what you could do to help Sixtyone change golf. More do

Do ICTM members get paid?

Yes. Though some ICTM members volunteer for various reasons, you can definitely get paid. ICTM compensation is based on your level of commitment and your overall responsibilities. More pay

What Is Golf Course S.O.L.E?

Sixtyone borrows from Sugata Mitra’s SOLE idea, and gives students the tools and support they need to succeed and the space to learn by teaching each other what it means to be a golfer. More SOLE

What is a golf session?

We play sandlot golf. We play golf wherever we can, whenever we can, and however we can. But, all Academy activities lead to the golf course. The golf course is where the magic happens. Schedules change. Locations change. But, here are examples of what we do. More sessions

I don't play golf. Can I be in ICTM?

Without a doubt. As a matter of fact, it can easily be argued that active and effective non-golfers entering into the ICTM network can be more important to beginners than more technical instructors with years of golf experience. More

How do i start?

Click the link below to visit our get started page. You can also come by the golf course and introduce yourself. Use the calendar link at the top of the page for our schedule.  Get started ⇒