Juggle Challenge Never Stops

About this challenge

Juggling is a simple trick that can be a powerful training tool to improve your golf swing. It’s also a fun way to kill some time. You can do it while you’re waiting at the tee box. You can do it when you are watching golf on TV. You can do it during the commercial breaks or even while your favorite video game is loading.

Juggling a golf ball is trickier than it seems, but we do the difficult things while they are easy. So just work on getting a little bit better every day, and you can be doing really cool combos in no time.


Give yourself a time limit. It could be one hour, one day, one week or a month. Set a time limit and see how much you can improve within that time frame.

What you could learn
  • Improve your hand-eye coordination.
  • Better patience.
  • Develop better golf-touch for shots around the green.
  • How to set small goals and reach them.

What you need

To practice juggling at home, in school or at the golf course all you need is a little bit of space. Make sure there are no people or breakable objects around you. Safety always comes first.

If you are at home, first, make sure to get permission to hit the ball in the house. Then, move away from everything that can be broken. Always be aware of your surroundings. Be careful, and have fun. Honor the code.

Get comfortable. Take a deep belly breath. Set your goal, then top it. Then beat your goal again. Then again. Learn some tricks. Watch some videos like this one on Youtube to find tips.

Finally, start challenging others to juggling contests at the golf course.