If the game is going to do more than survive and actually thrive, it needs a rich infusion of new blood. the most vital source of new golfers should be kids. It’s self-evident that the sooner someone is introduced to the sport, the more likely that person will be a lifetime golfer. Our mission is simple. We want to help change the way people think about golf. #SixtyoneGolf translates golf into a language that is easier to understand. 
Join the movement. #ChangeThinkGolf #SixtyOneGolf #JuniorGolf #KidsGolf #GolfKids #ThinkDifferent #AreYouSixtyOne #changethegame #golf
Change the way you think about golf.

Change: think golf.

Change. Think. Golf.

Change golf!

#changethinkgolf, #changegolf
You have to admire the relationship that Tiger and his father, Earl, had. #FlashbackFriday #PNCChampionship #TigerWoods #GrowTheGame #SixtyoneGolf #ChangeThinkGolf #Golf
The best thing about watching the @pgatour is that front row seats to watch the GOAT, @tigerwoods, only cost a few bucks. #changethinkgolf #ctg
Do you recall the moment when you might #BeSixtyone?
Sure you do. 
It was the moment when you:
Crushed the ball off the drive with that new driver.
When you sunk that unbelievable 15-foot putt when no one was around to see it.
When you put the ball on the green in two shots instead of four when there was 2 inches of snow on the ground.
Every time you play with your squad and you laugh so hard you cry.
Have fun. Play well. #ChangeGolf.
#AreYouSixtyone #ChangeThinkGolf #SixtyoneGolf #golf #ChangeTheGame #ThinkDifferent

The Blueprint

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

— Arthur Ashe

Golf is different. It is a game of honor and integrity. When a golfer breaks a rule, they are expected to penalize themselves. Golfers don’t need umpires or referees.

Being a golfer is more than learning how to hit a golf ball. It is a contest, a series of challenges, between you and your most difficult opponent: yourself. When a child learns to play golf correctly, they, almost without realizing, develop valuable skills that they will use throughout their lives on and off the golf course.

The Sixtyone Golf Academy is a golf introduction, development, and integration program. It is designed to help remove barriers to playing golf, the real ones and the ones we perceive.

Sixtyone reaches out from the golf course and connects young people with the positive aspects of golf. The traditions and culture of the game do the rest.

32nd Street/USC magnet

Los Angeles, CA.

61st Street Elementary

Los Angeles, CA

How it works

The Pursuit to Becoming Complete and Independent

The Sixtyone Golf Academy has three phases. Each phase helps guide students on their journey as young golfers. The pursuit takes them from hacking at golf balls in their backyards and school playgrounds to becoming complete and independent young golfers.



Students begin online and on school campus. They learn why golf is different than other sports, and that hitting a golf ball is fun.


Welcome to Golf | Rules, Etiquette & Proper Behavior | Golf Quirks, Traditions & Culture | Your Golf Heritage.



Students who accept the challenge and their responsibilities move to the golf course and begin the transition into young golfers.


Practice Area (Self-awarenes & Self-improvement) Keeping Score (Strategy & Managing Obstacles)  | Course Management (Etiquette & Culture) | Fun (Enjoyment & Mental Fitness).

Shandin Hills GC

San Bernardino, CA



Students who successfully complete an Academy program become members of the Sixtyone Country Club and connected with a support network willing to share time, treasure and expertise to help them integrate as far into golf culture as they desire.