ICTM Workshops

Join an upcoming workshop and learn how you can help change the way people think about golf.

About the workshops

Attending a Sixtyone ICTM workshop is the best way to learn why Sixtyone exists, see how we work and figure out how you can get involved and join in the fun.

Whether you are a seasoned golfer looking to share your passion for the game or brand new to golf and curious, ICTM workshops are how you can join the movement to change the way people think about golf.

The process is simple. You start by joining us for one of our weekly Sunday sessions at Shandin Hills GC. You can learn and work at your own pace. Just contact us. We will ask you a few questions and then be waiting for you at the golf course.

How it works

  • ICTM training is a hands on process.
  • Each candidate develops at their own pace. Previous golf experience is helpful but not necessary.
  • Compensation is based on level of responsibility, commitment and Sixtyone knowledge (e.g. monitor, tutor, caddie, instructor).
  • Everything revolves around four weekly themes: self-awareness, strategy, culture and fun.

Section 1: Self-awareness

  • The importance of understanding how what we say, think feel and do effect ourselves and others.
  • Golf is a game of honor.
  • Golfers keep their own scores.
  • At Sixtyone, everything comes back to golf.
  • Self-reflection | Recognize strengths and weaknesses | Consider others | Manage our emotions | Accept criticism.

Section 2: Strategy

  • Golf can’t be taught; it must be learned.
  • Learn to have fun before you worry about technique and score.
  • Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
  • Focus on the process not the outcome.
  • Learn to play from the hole backwards.

Section 3: Culture

  • People like us do things like this.
  • Do the difficult things when they are easy. Do the great big things when they are small.
  • Small steps continuously lead to long journeys.
  • Walk as much as you can.
  • Leave the course better than you found out.
  • Be helpful.
  • Be different.
  • Be Sixtyone.

Section 4: Fun | Enjoyment | Physical & mental fitness

  • Separate the purpose from the goal.
  • Understand that golf is hard. You play against your toughest opponent: yourself.
  • Get your mind and body right.
  • Take your time.
  • Breathe

ICTM workshops are held prior to our weekly Sunday golf sessions. Let us know if you would to join us.



Golf is a special game for a lot of reasons. It is also a dynamic industry with career opportunities in many fields. The reason ICTM exists is to connect more people to golf, especially young people.


It is a support network of instructors, caddies, tutors and monitors. ICTM members are people who share their time, treasure and expertise to help Sixtyone do what it does more effectively.

What Will we do day to day?

Commitment and responsibilities very. Each individual is free to determine how much they get involved. There is really no limit on what you could do to help Sixtyone change golf. 

Do ICTM members get paid?

Yes. Though some ICTM members volunteer for various reasons, you can definitely get paid. ICTM compensation is based on your level of commitment and your overall responsibilities.

What Is Golf Course S.O.L.E?

Sixtyone borrows from Sugata Mitra’s SOLE idea. We give students the tools and support they need to succeed and the space to learn by teaching each other what it means to be a golfer.

What is a golf session?

We play sandlot golf. We play golf wherever we can, whenever we can, and however we can. Academy golf sessions can happen anywhere, but all activities lead students to the golf course. The golf course is where the magic happens.

I don't play golf. Can I be in ICTM?

Without a doubt. As a matter of fact, it can easily be argued that active and effective non-golfers entering into the ICTM network can be more important to beginners than more technical instructors with years of golf experience. 

How do i start?

Click the link below to visit our get started page. We will see you at the golf course soon.  Get started ⇒