The Ladder Game

About this challenge

The Ladder Game is a fun way to work on your putting touch. It can be played many different ways and the difficulty can always be increased. It’s up to you.

The objective of The Ladder Game is to set six scoring spaces. You the ball and try hit your target without falling short or rolling past it. You control the difficulty. You can simply just try to putt the ball into all the spaces or set point values for each space and try to reach a certain score.

A fun way to challenge yourself (when you are ready) is to add some negative point values for some spaces. Once you hit your point goal you have completed one set.

Like many of the golf games we play, you can never really master The Ladder Game. When it gets too easy, make your targets smaller or putt from further away. The harder you make the game, the better you get.

What you could learn

What you need

You can play at home in your Golf Space or on the practice green at the golf course.

Tape works great, but you can use almost anything to create your ladder. You can use tees, balls, or anything really to create your target zones, the scoring spaces. 

(PRO TIP: You can even increase the size of the target zones and play The Ladder Game by hitting chip shots, too.)