Basic Skills – Body Weight Calisthenics and Core Strength

About this challenge

Golf is a sport. Just like in all sports, the stronger your core muscle group is the more balance, strength, and control you will have. The good news is that you don’t need equipment or money to train your core. All you need are Calisthenics, or body weight exercises, your golf space and commitment to do the work. 

Do not cheat yourself. When it comes to body weight exercises, it is better to do only a few correctly than it is to do one hundred incorrectly. This is important. Quality over quantity. You will gain more and risk less. Poor form can lead to injuries. 

Progression. Awareness of our strengths, weaknesses, and limits, without judgment, will make the process of building strength much easier and save you from wasted time. If you are unable to do even one pushup correctly, try reducing your body weight by pressing your knees to the ground instead of your toes.  (Youtube is a great source for finding bodyweight exercise variations that meet your skill level.)

Doing these simple exercises for a few minutes each day, you will be stronger and feel better all over.

What you could learn

What you need

For these exercises all you need is your golf space, and determination. 

There are many different body weight exercises and multiple variations of each to assist people at different skill levels.

Watch more videos like this to check your form. Keep track of your progress. Personal bests count in this challenge too.