Basic Skills – Chipping

About this challenge

A chip is a low shot that is played along the ground and spends little time in the air. Chip shots are generally hit close to the green where the golfer does not need to carry the ball very far in the air and just wants to get the ball started and let it roll out towards the hole like a putt. They are the strokes you will take around the green from short distances. 

If the ultimate objective of golf is to put the ball in the hole from a specific distance, in as few strokes as possible. The game we are playing is based on accuracy. If you are having trouble hitting a target, increasing the distance probably won’t improve your chances. If you cannot hit your target with a small three yard chip, the chances of you hitting a great ten yard chip are low.

See the Lao Tzu Philosophy


What you could learn

What you need

This challenge can be completed on course or in your Golf Space. You will need a putter, or wedge, and a target. You can use anything to represent the hole. 

Check out this video to get an idea of how to practice at home. 

WARNING! We only practice full swings on the driving range!