The driving range bucket (or range basket) is a standard at every golf course. It is a plastic container full of golf balls. Buckets come in all sizes: small, medium, large, and sometimes huge. Buckets are a sign.
Basically, a golfer’s skill level is usually proportionate to the number of range buckets they hit per week, per month, or per year. They measure how much time a golfer spends practicing.
We use buckets as a measure of everything we do. Students in our Academy programs are all working towards becoming complete and independent young golfers. They earn buckets for anything they do. The more work they do, the more buckets they earn. The more buckets they earn the more stuff they get. Responsibility equals privileges. It is a simple process.
Buckets can also be used to recognize the reach of your support. On average a large bucket of golf balls costs $10. Here are some examples of the impact you can have for the cost of a few buckets. They more buckets donated, the more impact we can have.
Thank you for your support!