ICTM: 11/14/22, Culture

“A shot that goes in the cup is pure luck, but a shot to within two feet of the flag is skill.” —Ben Hogan


This is culture week: People like us do things like this.

We are making headway. The golf students are developing an identity. They are embracing the idea of being different, being golfers.

Our jobs are to continue to develop that identity. Continue to make it cool to be different. Make it cool to be honest. Make it cool to call penalties on yourself. Make it cool to be golfers.

Once again, the Code is the most important message this week.

Related post

Being Sixtyone

Expected outcome

  • Students should begin to understand how our weekly themes work together.
  • Self-awareness puts our heads in the right place. We are responsible.
  • Then, we get to setting goals and applying strategy and tactics to reach them.
  • Next, we focus on embracing the culture. We do these things like this.
  • Finally, we keep the purpose and goal separate and enjoy the process.


  • Talk about the Code, constantly. Break it into sections (safety, honor, fun, consideration, mistake, perfection).
  • Discuss with the students why their friends might not get it now, but will eventually respect them for being golfers.
  • Encourage the students to get on their parents to get them to the golf course.
  • Lean on on-course golfers whenever possible. Get them to talk about what it’s like at the course.


Here’s a link to the ICTM Google calendar

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At Sixtyone, we believe that you should play golf wherever you can, whenever you can and however you can. You’ll feel better. We promise. Hit us up if you want to find out what we mean.

Change. Think. Golf.