How much do you know about playing golf?

Etiquette: the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

This week we focus on culture, how people like us do things like this.

Golfers are different. Golf is hard. You play it alone. You don’t have teammates. Sure, you play with other people. But, all golfers are playing individual games. They are all playing by themselves against the golf course.

Because you play by yourself and keep your own score, every golfer should know how to play. Knowing how to play means, both, knowing the rules and knowing how to operate around the golf course.

It’s called etiquette. Golf has expected etiquette. Sixtyone has expected etiquette too.

Related video:

Take a look at this video about how to play golf.

Words and phrases:

Use this guide and find as many golf words as you can about how to play.

Big questions:

  1. Do you know how to play golf?
  2. Do you know how Sixtyone plays golf?
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At Sixtyone, we believe that you should play golf wherever you can, whenever you can and however you can. You’ll feel better. We promise. Hit us up if you want to find out what we mean.

Change. Think. Golf.